Hi, I'm Maria
My high-performance lifestyle one day got turned upside-down when I got severely ill. Yoga and Mindfulness helped me survive the grave illness, battle chemotherapy, and learn to live with chronic pain. This did not only change the way I practice, but it transformed the way I'm living my life.
I truly believe in the power of these practices as tools to help us navigate any challenge we might face in life.
Because of the way Yoga and Mindfulness helped me, I changed my career path to becoming a teacher to bring these practices on to others.​
​I have 20+ years of experience with yoga, 12 years of Mindfulness experience, and a Biology background which helps me understand the depths of Yoga Anatomy and the latest research on the benefits of these practices for the body and mind. I take my education seriously to keep bringing you the quality you deserve.
Join me!

As Featured In:

I take education seriously. Staying updated on the latest research, and continuing studying is an important part of my approach to keep bringing you the quality you deserve.
I'm a registered Yoga Alliance teacher (RYT200), and currently finishing my RYT500 certification through Yoga Medicine to become a Therapeutic Specialist.
I am honored to have had to opportunity to additionally take numerous educations from the best institutions and universities around the world in for example: Anatomy, pain, trauma, the nervous system, female health, and the endocrine system.
As a Mindfulness teacher, I have for instance studied at the famous University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMASS), as well as the University Hospital of Oslo's Pain clinic.
Read more about my qualifications here.

My Story
I used to be an ambitious achiever, putting my goals and my loved ones' needs before taking care of myself. Learning to live in stillness in our performance society was more difficult than I could ever imagine. I realized I had defined the way I saw my value according to what I was capable of achieving and how I was there for others.
My slow recovery was one of my greatest teachers. In the process, I learned patience, acceptance, and non-judgment, and to love myself for simply being – regardless of what I achieve or accomplish. Learning meditation and mindfulness truly changed my life.
My yoga practice changed with me. When I started yoga 20 years ago I had a performance focus, with my dance and gymnastics background. Now, no matter how physically challenging practice, I move from a different standpoint – with a new intention and inner peace: a moving meditation. Learning to listen to the body is not always easy, and it is a continuous growth journey. Now what interests me is designing practices according to the benefits we want to obtain, rather than reaching a certain physical form. Everybody is different, and what each body needs is also constantly changing.
I myself was missing teachers that were knowledgeable about the science and latest research, able to explain things in easy and straightforward ways, and pass on the deeper layers of yoga without becoming too spiritual - so I became that teacher.

Don't miss out on these
online courses!
Mindful Restorative Yoga
Did you know scrolling on your phone or watching Netflix is actually NOT true rest for our brain and nervous system?
Want to learn how to teach your body and brain to efficiently access a deeper way of Rest?
This is the best tool to improve the quality of your sleep, reduce your stress level and boost your immune system. Access the Online Course now!
Learn how Mindfulness Meditation can change your life
Are you using a lot of your time thinking about a past you cannon change? Or an uncertain future you in reality have little control over? Learn Mindfulness to become more present in the only moment you are actually living your life - the NOW! And notice the difference in how this will empower you to navigate any challenge or uncertainy more connected you yourself and what's truly important for you.
Yoga Anatomy
Are you a Yoga student or Teacher who wants to understand more about Yoga Anatomy?
Learn with me in fun and accessible way while moving on the mat! This knowledge will reduce your risk of injury and help you enhance the benefits of your practice.
Join weekly anatomy-based classes, or watch on-demand in your own time.
Online course in Spine Anatomy and Thoracic Spine Mobility now available!
Some I have worked with: